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A New Way Forward: Setting the Standards of Identity for the Future of Research

Insights in Color, Lucid and ThinkNow Research Set New Standards on Identity in Research Sampling

To keep up with the changing pace of identity, and to close the gap between how consumers see themselves and how they are forced to identify in qualitative and quantitative research, Insights in Color, Lucid and ThinkNow Research have created a new set of industry standards to mark a more inclusive way forward for the marketing research and insights field.

These new standards are the beginning of a longer relationship with identity that we hope to to remain authentically connected with in order to ensure that our research methods and practices are representative in nature. To get this right, we’ve identified key changes that will be executed immediately, as well as shifts in this space that should become the norm in the near future.

The new identity parameters, which can be downloaded here, are meant to be flexible and fluid, just like the state of identity- ready to adjust more quickly in order to evolve as the American population evolves.

We hope that with this new industry standard, paired with IIC’s Diversity Sense Check Tool, that we the research industry can shift from being behind the times to being instep with, and aligned with change.

To learn more, listen below or read more here, on Lucid’s Blog.

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